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GPS: You Never Lose Anyone

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Jesus was born about 2000 years ago. When the wise men knew about it, they went in search of the child Jesus. They were from the east, likely from Iran, and they needed to go to Bethlehem. The wise men had followed the stars and found the infant Jesus in Bethlehem.

What is GPS, and how does it work?

Today, to find a lost friend in a city square, you just need their location on your mobile phone. All you need is one miraculous technology today called GPS. GPS helps us to receive driving instructions, transmit your picnic location to a lost friend, track how far you've gone during a workout, and many more. Let’s learn the science behind it.

What is GPS?

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite navigation system that uses a global network of satellites to send radio signals from the earth's orbit. It's a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) that sends geolocation and time data to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth. GPS was previously known as Navstar and was developed for military use by the US government. Although the first satellite was launched in 1978, it was not until 1996 that it was fitted into vehicles.

GPS in everyday life

In the actual world, GPS has a variety of applications. The Global Positioning System (GPS) helps us in finding our location. You can now buy GPS insoles to track your children or relatives who have Alzheimer's disease. In the field of transportation technology, GPS fleet tracking is a pretty effective way to improve drivers' safety, reduce fuel costs, and increase efficiency and production.

How does it function?

GPS is a three-part system:

  • Satellites

  • Ground stations

  • Receivers

Satellites are similar to the stars that our forebears used to find their way around. Ground stations employ radar to determine whether the satellites are in the correct position. Satellite signals are calculated by a receiver in your phone or car to determine the distance from the satellite.

The GPS constellation, which orbits the Earth, has 32 satellites. There are 24 active satellites, and the rest serve as backups if the core satellites fail. The ground (or near-earth) receiver determines its position using location information from three satellites.


Trilateration is a measurement method that uses the geometry of spheres, circles, and triangles to identify the location of a point. We can use trilateration to calculate distances and identify an accurate place on earth by GPS satellites broadcast. To compute an accurate location, GPS technology uses four satellites.

How does the GPS use trilateration to find your location?

Satellites simply send a signal at a certain time and distance for your GPS receiver to pick up. This means that your GPS location could be anywhere within this radius of the circle. The precise position of the two signals could be any of the two points where the circles overlap.

Once we get our third satellite, the intersection of all three circles will disclose your true location. Trilateration uses three distances to establish a specific position.

Each satellite is at the center of a sphere, and the GPS receiver is located where the spheres intersect.

To understand better, consider the following situation. On a beautiful morning, you set off on a lengthy trip, leaving your home in Los Angeles, California (Home in LA! Ah, you're a millionaire!). You arrive at your first stop after hours of driving. You have no idea where you are at all. Fortunately, you happen to run into a nearby man and ask him. He doesn't answer correctly, but he does offer you the first hint that you're 420 miles away from Salt Lake City, Utah. You pulled up your paper map and drew a 420 miles circle around Salt Lake City. That's not really useful, given there are hundreds of places that suit that criteria. So you ask another person for further information because you need more hints. They inform you that you are 300 miles away from Pheonix, Arizona. You drew another 300-mile circle around Phoenix and saw these two circles intersect at two points. Now, you’re somewhere in that place.

That isn't enough, so you seek out a pleasant girl who provides the final clue. San Jose, California, is 520 miles away. That's all there is to it. You only see one intersection point as you add the third circle to your drawing. Tada! All this information helped you in determining that you are in Las Vegas, Nevada. What a lovely town! Take a nap now to prepare for a fun night out tonight! Be careful not to lose all your money while gambling.

The circles become spheres in our three-dimensional world. There will be latitude, longitude, and altitude in 3-D trilateration. You'll receive a more accurate position if you use more satellites.

Errors with GPS Navigation

Even though GPS is extremely reliable and useful, it can occasionally lead individuals to unexpected locations, particularly in rural areas. Have you ever been lost? I'm in the same boat. It can be difficult to distinguish between a real road and a mud path, and the consequences can be quite unpleasant for the driver and passengers. I was once traveling late at night and couldn't see that the road my GPS directed me to follow was actually a path that led straight into a forest!


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