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Digital Twins - What They Are, What They Are Used For, and Why They Matter To You

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

Digital twins are a sophisticated technology that can be used to construct digital representations of complicated systems. They can be used to build physical prototypes of complex systems like electric cars and wind farms. Digital twins can be utilized to solve problems and improve the quality of a physical item and the user experience.

History of Digital Twins

Digital twins are a long-standing concept that has been commercially used for autos, jet engines, airplanes, and a variety of other mechanical systems. In other words, an item's digital presence allows it to be inspected, interacted with, modified, and shared almost anywhere.

The concept of digital twins appears to have evolved from the aerospace industry's need to regulate and monitor manufacturing processes with higher precision. In the 1990s, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) co-developed the first digital twin, 'Flight Control System,' which might be considered the ancestor of the concept of digital twins.

How to create Digital Twin?

A digital twin is formed by capturing an object's geometry with the most advanced sensors; and then simulating the object's behavior using the software. 3D scanning, motion capture, and laser scanning are some of the techniques used to generate digital twins.

What are the top use cases for Digital Twins in the future?

Digital twins can be used in all kinds of industries and for a variety of applications. The most common examples of where digital twins are being used include manufacturing, healthcare, energy, retail, finance, security, and transportation.

Here are examples of some of the applications in which digital twins have been used:

Automotive industry

The benefit of digital twin technology in the automobile industry is that it can be used to replicate a vehicle's performance, which allows designers and engineers to optimize the design, improve the vehicle's performance, and check the design before proceeding to the manufacturing stage. A digital twin can be used to construct a "real-time clone" of a full vehicle, including software, mechanics, electrics, and physical behavior, completely replacing the physical vehicle. For example, digital twins can be used to mimic a vehicle's aerodynamics and assess how it will function on windy terrain. They can also be used to imitate tire friction on the road in order to improve vehicle safety. A digital twin can be used by a designer to take a look at how a vehicle will look once it has been painted.

Digital Twin in Aerospace

Simulations of digital twins are used to train pilots on how to remain safe and responsible while flying. The models can also be used to predict the performance of a new aircraft before it is taken into service for the first time.

The digital twin of an Airbus A380 aircraft, for example, carries a wealth of information on how it operates, including details about its flight, navigation, and control systems. These parameters are saved in the digital twin, which is constantly updated with new measurements. This digital version of the physical system can be compared to the physical Airbus, providing insights into how the real plane responds to various elements acting on it.

Digital Twin in healthcare

Hospitals can monitor their equipment and maintenance in real-time using digital twins. With digital twins, new medical treatment methods, such as regenerative medicine and cancer treatment, as well as operations and medical procedures, could be developed.

Real-time operational analytics

Organizations can use digital twins to monitor their physical assets in real time, eliminating the need for in-person inspections. This enables firms to quickly repair product or service faults without disrupting customer service.


Typically, a company designs a product, creates it, and then assesses how well it performs in the real world. The problem with this strategy is that forecasting how a product will function in practice is challenging. Digital twins, on the other hand, can monitor and forecast how things will behave in the future, providing early detection and allowing for swift repairs. They can also be used to learn about a product's life cycle and how it performs over time. The digital twin model is an important technology for manufacturing organizations to study product behavior and improve quality and reliability.

Digital twin for retailers

Generally, customers used to see their purchasing alternatives by using booklets and online product catalogs. Digital twins now allow companies to provide customers with a first-hand virtual experience of their items and services before they buy. Customers may see the product in action, allowing them to make more informed decisions. This also allows retailers to create a personalized shopping experience for their clients, which reduces the time spent in the store but improves conversion rates.


A rising number of businesses are using digital twin technologies to generate digital replicas of their physical systems in order to develop, monitor, and repair their systems. Digital twins will become an integral part of most enterprises in the future, enabling new levels of automation. It is still in its early stages, so it will be interesting to see how it develops and where it leads us next.


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